Inspiration worth pinning

Hart Habitats loves an old school bulletin board. It is great to have a place to pin up things that inspire me. This bulletin board resides above my desk so I can be inspired as I work. These schemes, like sand sculptures, are ephemeral. I frequently take down my schemes, to make room for the exploration of new ideas. This board makes me want to put on an old jazz lp and mix up some martinis.

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bulletin board, interior design inspiration.jpg

Staging of Lower Walden

101 Lower Walden, in the Carmel Highlands, is now staged and on the market! After spending time working at the residence, installing furniture and hanging art work, I wish I could move in! I have enjoyed looking out at the gorgeous views of the Pacific and watching the crashing waves and soaring sea birds above.

If you are looking for a beautiful home in which to find serenity and enjoy friends and family, this is a great house. (To find out more contact Vilia Gilles:

Pictures of the house staged below!! (Antiques are for sale! Contact us if you have inquiries.)


Dressing Up Farmers Market Flowers

I bought some tulips from the farmers market for a gift to the hostess. I had one hour to the dinner party and realized I had nothing to wrap them in and had to get creative! Below is the result of my efforts.

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Eucalyptus branches and berries were taken from tree limbs, that had fallen in the recent winter storm, and succulents were clipped from pots at the back patio. The arrangement was wrapped with a paper bag and tied with twine from the hardware closet. The abstract art on the card was made with the ink from a broken pen filament.